Lower Nix Nox Spring Bumps, Closing Day 2012:
Lower Nix Nox Bumps at Loveland Basin
Middle Nix Nox Spring Bumps, Closing Day 2012:
Lower Nix Nox Bumps at Loveland Basin

Nix Nox is an intermediate mogul run that's between Richards Run and Cat's Meow. It empties into Home Run

The upper portions of the Nix Nox Ski Trail are relatively flat, and the bumps on that section are quite tame. There's a traversing trail called "Chicken Alley" that goes to the skier's left over to the groomed Richard's Run before the slightly steeper lower section of Nix Nox. I'm not sure it's an official trail; doesn't show up on the current online trail map on the Loveland Basin official website.

Better snow tends to be found on the skier's left of Nix Nox - it's sheltered from the prevailing wind blowing west to east, and powder doesn't fly off into the trees. On the lower sections of Nix Nox, there can be icy sections and bare patches to the skier's right. Stay left for the best snow on Nix Nox!