Tunnel Face
Tunnel Face Looking Across The Eisenhower Tunnel Ventilation System:
Tunnel Face from the Base Lodge Parking Lot:
Tunnel Face is a short, steep ski run between
East Ropes
West Ropes . It is very, very south facing (the steepness makes
it face more directly into the sun), so it's best skied before the powder gets too heavy. However, it's an amazing, if short,
run during the right conditions. Steep! And, few people other than regulars even know about it. The steep pitch and strange
run-out tend to scare off all but expert skiers, so it's generally infrequently skied. The run out takes you on a flat traverse
along I-70 to the foot path tunnel under the highway, that's primarily used by skiers using
The Face
to return to the base lodge
area from the Chair Eight valley.
Tunnel Face shouldn't be confused with The Face. The Face is an advanced ski trail that runs from the bottom of Chairlift Eight to the Base Lodge, and is
considerably to the east of Tunnel Face. The Face is much easier than Tunnel Face.